Sunday, December 12, 2010

Term 1 Level1 NCEA English - Theme = Conflict

Mal Thompson and I wrote this last term. I have not included the curriculum links on the blog but you can easily do this yourself.


The idea of Conflict is explored through discussion and introductory writing activities.  Looking at conflict through global context – using range of texts such as newspaper reports, news footage etc

The study of a range of written texts to develop understanding of the theme and the implications of conflict for individuals, including how that affects us.

Students will also explore how adversity and personal struggles affect one’s identity and how this in turn determines how adversity is overcome.

Understandings and insight reached will then be used to add to the student’s writing portfolio. Write an article on the  personal experiences of  conflict for each student – opinion-based also on an international conflict. On completion of the term’s work and when thorough understanding of the ideas has been shown formatively, students will attempt appropriate assessments.
Aim: to explore the idea of conflict through a range of texts

Possible texts:
Short texts:
The Fat Boy, Owen Marshall
The Sniper,  Liam O’Flaherty
On the sidewalk bleeding, Evan Hunter
Newspaper/ Online resources around Afghanistan and conflict there
Extended text:
Tomorrow when War Began, John Marsden
Non-fiction text:
I have a Dream,  Martin Luther King
Winston Churchill
George W Bush – weapons of mass destruction sp.
Visual Text: ....Mal to send title of DVD
U Tube clips
(Possible opportunities for SDL – students self-select their extended text).
AS1.4 – possible creative writing pieces for portfolio
AS1.5 – opinion writing piece could be put into portfolio
AS1.3 – practice for close reading unfamiliar text – building skills
AS1.10 – produce work towards standard requirements – recording of texts/ responses
Literacy standards – work for portfolio in reading and writing – use templates provided by NZQA

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