Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ICOT2013 - David Koutsoukis: The 7 Selfs of Self Leadership

Interpersonal Thinking: The Seven Selfs of Self Leadership

This workshop was a great way to start the comference. it refocussed me on what is important to me and recognise areas I have negletic.

David is from Australia and Greek, he uses Greece and Greek mythology to illustrate and add impact to his presentation; it was  refreshing and interesting. He asked us to think about those people who have had an impact on our lives professionally or in our personal life, then asked us if they had a zest for life which he calls 'Kefi'.

Find your Kefi (zest for life)

Odysseus principle 
Like waves of the ocean, life is a journey of ups and 
downs, successes and setbacks and so long as you find the patterns and learn from them you will keep making progerss. Ride the wave!

Awareness is first step, 

Intelligent leadership is the ability to inspire
We need as individuals a sense of purpose and emotional support to help us through the waves. In order to do this we have 3 decisions  to make:
  1. You need to make the decision - decide to act, commit to  a journey of self discovery.
  2. Take responsibility - have an internal locus of control - I control my destiny
  3. Give thanks-have an attitude of gratitude family home etc
The Seven Selfs of Self Leadership
  1. The land of self awareness - know they self -  "An unexplained life is not worth living" - Socrates
Values and beliefs, strengths, talents and passions and emotions that drive us
  • write down your top ten true values, patterns in my life that I am aware of.
  • Equanimity  -maintain evenness of mind

2. Land of personal growth - grow thyself - 
  •  self reflection take time to self  reflect for improvement 
  •  growth how can i grow personally
  •  learning how i learn and remember info best

3. The land of energy - energize yourself
  • energy - i create and sustain my physical energy through diet and exercise and rest
  • equanimity - sustain mental energy through positive thought self control and calmness - find an anchor
  • purpose - i generate passion and enthusiasm by connecting with a higher purpose

4. The land of self discipline - control thyself
  • moderation - avoid excessive behaviour and can resist temptation
  • will power -
  • judgement - making good choices not emotional

5. The land of relationships - connect thyself accumulate positive encounters
  • connection- maintain social and emotional connections and significant others
  • mentee - identify mentors, role models and learning hero's
  • association - associate and network who are aligned with my values and goals

6. The land of goals - perceive thyself
  • goal setting
  • action
  • focus

7. Believe in thyself the land of positive thinking
  •  self belief
  •  positive thinking
  • optimism 
Whilst some of this is not new it is worth the time to refocus and examine these aspects, for further information and for interesting resources visit his website Acropolis Leadership

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