Ulearn 11 is a truly amazing experience. It is impossible to not come away from it without your heading swimming with ideas.
Stephen Heppell http://workshop.heppell.mobi/
I made the most the opportunity to hear what he had to say. He is someone who truely has a vision and puts it into action. I want my children to attend the schools he talks about. I want to teach in one of those school! Where learning really does start with the student and student voice is paramount.
Agents of Change by Tony Ryan http://www.tonyryan.com.au/blog/
Learning should be about creating change in the world and teaching real-life practical skills. I am already jotting down notes for how I can change my English course to have my students creating, changing and doing something really worthwhile
Some Useful Link
Half the Sky http://www.halftheskymovement.org/
'The best way to fight poverty and extremism is educate and empower women and girls.
EPals http://www.epals.com/
The World's Largest K-12 Social Learning Network
Edudemic http://edudemic.com/
Connecting education and the classroom
Mr Kemp Reflects http://mrkempreflects.blogspot.com/2011/10/u-learn-breakout-5-web-tools-to-support.html
Web 2.0 Classroom http://web20classroom.blogspot.com/
Great links to websites thank you. Ulearn was fantastic and have enjoyed people's reflections. For me it was a 3 day conversation around learning technology collaboration and innovation.